Compass Insurance Advisors - Compass Insurance Advisors
  • Health Insurance In Nevada

    Not every state run their health insurance the same. In this article you will learn everything about the health insurance in Nevada. If you are new to the state of Nevada or simply would like to explore the health insurance plans available in Nevada, this article will answer all your questions about what to do and how to enroll in a health insurance in the state of Nevada.

  • When is Open Enrollment?

    In this article, you will learn about the new changes in the open enrollment, what you can do if you miss the open enrollment in your state, what is a Special Enrollment period and when it’s applicable to you.

  • Medicare Part D Notices Are Due Before Oct. 15, 2021

    Medicare Part D Notices Each year, Medicare Part D requires group health plan sponsors to disclose to individuals who are eligible for Medicare Part D and to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) whether the health plan’s prescription drug coverage is creditable. Plan sponsors must provide the annual disclosure notice to Medicare-eligible individuals …

  • Preparing for Open Enrollment With a Hybrid Workforce

    With open enrollment season approaching, now’s the time for HR professionals to kick off their planning. Due to the pandemic—and employees’ desire for flexibility—many employers now find themselves with a workforce on a hybrid schedule. It’s imperative they make appropriate adjustments to lead a successful open enrollment period. As a flexible model designed to support …

  • Why Work with a Local Broker

    There are many benefits of working with a local health insurance broker. Give us a call or find an agent near you HERE. No Extra Costs – The price of your health insurance plan is legally regulated, so you will find the same premium no matter where you shop. Working with a Compass advisor means …

  • August 2021 Wellness Newsletter – Live Well, Work Well This excerpt is an example of the wellness resources we send out to the employers that we work with. We give our employers the tools they need to provide value to their employees. We go above and beyond for the companies that we work with. If …

  • 2022 Open Enrollment Checklist

    To prepare for open enrollment, group health plan sponsors should be aware of the legal changes affecting the design and administration of their plans for plan years beginning on or after Jan 1, 2022. Employers should review their plan documents to confirm that they include these required changes. Our 2022 Open Enrollment Checklist is available …

  • American Rescue Plan Act COBRA Subsidy Q&A

    On July 26, 2021, the IRS issued Notice 2021-46, providing additional guidance on the application of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) subsidy for continuation health coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) in the form of 11 questions and answers. You can view the official notice HERE. The Notice expands …

  • Stay Safe in the Sun

    Stay safe in the sun! This excerpt is an example of the monthly newsletters we send out to all our companies, so they can provide additional value to their employees. We go above and beyond for the companies that we work with. If you have any questions about your employee benefits, visit our page HERE. …

  • Supporting Working Parents Post-Pandemic

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, many working parents struggled to balance work and home life. As employees look ahead to life after the pandemic, the challenges of pulling double duty will likely remain. It will be vital for your company to discuss how to support working parents. 60% of working parents have no outside help in …